First Day of School

My baby boy and my baby girl.

Grade 11 and Grade 1.  One excited to begin a new adventure and one excited to go to get it over with…


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New Sneakers

She had wanted a pair of “light-up” sneakers for the past year and was so very excited to get a new pair to start school.


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New Ross Farm – Kitten Love

New Ross Farm – another check on my list of the Nova Scotia Museums.

So much fun.  We started the afternoon with a wagon ride that took us around the farm.  The kids spent a long time in the barn where they found a litter of very cute and friendly kittens.  In fact Abbie was so smitten that she begged to be able to carry the obliging kitten around the farm, even opting out of touring the house due to the fact that cats aren’t allowed inside!

The staff were wonderful, and the farm is beautiful.



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Learning to Drive

What excitement at our house this week.  Miss A. discovered she could drive (steer) the tractor.

*** And, no, the mower wasn’t engaged while she was driving.



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