December 13, 2011

10-day-old perfection came to visit us today.

A special thank you to her equally wonderful parents letting me share her with them for the afternoon!


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Happy Birthday Abbie!

Happy Birthday to my Abbie!

Six years old today.  You were amazed to wake up in a big girl’s bed. (Until now, we had taken advantage of your 37 pounds and kept the toddler bed in your room to allow more space for toys and playing.)

Nanny and Grampy Malley were as excited as you were to be there to share your day with you.

You were thrilled to share your day with your friends at the pool where you (since after all, you are six now) jumped off the rope for the first time.




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Swimming Lesson

She loves to swim almost as much as she loves to ski, and impatiently waits for her lesson to begin.

She is learning to dive this fall ( all 37 pounds of her) , and (like with everything) never misses a chance to add a bit of “flourish” to it!


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Christmas Concert

Christmas Concert Outfit 2011

(Yes, it is a bathrobe.) (And no, I obviously had nothing to do with the costume choice for the concert! (but it was very cute :). )

-and afterwards, all tuckered out.

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The “Dog” that Chewed Christmas

Forget about the Grinch,  meet Stella.
Stella looks like a nice dog but do not be fooled.  Stella came to live with us shortly after Christmas last year, and I’m thinking that the return of the season may have ignited a bit of unresolved bitterness in her subconscious that she has directed against the season, in particular, against our Christmas lights.

In response to some recent events at our house, I am going to have to post a note to our neighbours:

“We are not boycotting Christmas this year.  We had lots of Christmas lights around the house and on our shrubs, but our dog thought they would look better on our lawn,,,  in little pieces…. all over the lawn. ”

ps:  This is the same reason most of the family are wearing shoes with holes in them.




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