“I Love My Life….”

This reminds me of the Maxwell House Coffee commercial where the little girl is singing to herself in the mirror.  (I like my house, I like my hair, etc. etc…)

Some weeks it seems like you really have to earn your Fridays.  This one was no exception and I was pretty frazzled by the end of the day when I picked her up to take her to her swimming lesson.

Afterwards as I stood waiting for her to hurry up and get showered so I could get home to start supper  I heard her singing.  She was oblivious to my impatient waiting, enjoying the heat of the nice warm shower.  I went to my bag for the camera and she didn’t even realize I took the picture!

Once again I am reminded to slow things down and enjoy the moment!  Happy Friday everyone.




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admin - February 8, 2012 - 3:32 am

Thanks! – She certainly enjoying the nice warm shower!

Susan Milligan - February 5, 2012 - 11:21 am

This is so sweet! The look of total contentment!

Laura - February 4, 2012 - 4:05 pm

Happy girl 🙂

Snow Night – January 30 – 7:00 pm

From last night.  (Snowman attempts didn’t get very far, but we now have lots of beautiful snow angels on our lawn.)

I had to go check on her, she was laying so still on the ground, but my inadvertent “motherness” stupidly ruined the moment.  Not making a sound or moving a muscle, watching the beauty falling from the heavens.

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Cleaning Her Room

She was told to clean her room.  I didn’t think she would be so thorough.

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admin - February 8, 2012 - 3:30 am

Thanks girls,,, not sure about the magazine thing,, but I knew I had to grab my camera as soon as I saw this,,, This is such a typical “Abbie” moment!

Micheline - February 8, 2012 - 2:34 am

LOVE love love it! You have to send this to some photo contest, be published, and make tons of money with this!

Laura - February 3, 2012 - 1:15 pm

Love this! Should be in a magazine!

Miss M

We had a very special Christmas Eve visitor this year.  (I am slowly but surely getting caught up on my editing!)

Such a perfect little lady already, she was the most beautiful present under our tree!

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