It becomes her.
From my (gingerbread) house to yours,
Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
Christmas is usually a time for families to get together. To meet, and celebrate (and if you’re part of our family – to eat) during this special time of year. It’s also a time for traditions. The little things that you do as a family (family by choice or birth) that aren’t particularly special in of themselves but when done with the people you love; they help to make the season even more magical.
Life often gets in the way of this and as children grow up (in the blink of the eye) and more often than we like, our loved ones pass on.
Life changes.
I used to make a gingerbread house every Christmas and my little chicks would help decorate it.
Sadly it’s been several years since I’ve made one.
It was one of our little traditions, but it just didn’t seem fair to make it as my youngest can’t eat candy. It didn’t seem right, having that temptation around. I have to admit that I also thought it was a bit of a waste precious time, in a season when there never seems to be enough minutes in the day.
I decided to make the time this year, and with a few modifications (I used no candy as decorations) and (much to my surprise) it turned out fairly well.
It sits on our dining room table in a place of honour. -It was the only place that I was sure it wouldn’t get bumped into. 😉
Of all the rooms in my house, my dining room holds the most sentiment for me at this time of year.
Most everything in it contains a memory of someone that holds a special place in my heart.
From the dishes in the cabinet that were passed to me from my grandmothers (some that were passed on by my grandmother’s mother) and the flatware in the little chest that were a gift from my parents;
From the sweet little sleigh and reindeer that my grandfather made, to the Christmas skirt fashioned from a table cloth that a sweet aunt made for me.
From the photo of my beautiful girls and the painting that hangs on the wall to the angel on top of the tree that my mother made years ago. The little bird ornaments that hang on the tree (after several years of putting it off, I finally flocked it this year and I love how it softens the room.), are much like the ones that used to be on the tree at my grandparents home; most everything in this little room speaks to me. They speak to me more so at this time of year than any other, in little whispers of love and remembrance of the special people who have touched my life more than they knew or ever will know.
Life is a circle and never stands still. Change can be painful. Last week I said goodbye to my sweet gram. She was was a believer in traditions and her annual cookie making day was a favourite Christmas tradition. Her funeral was held on Christmas Eve. There are few things more sad than saying goodbye to someone you love but as I looked around the church, I was struck by how large our family had grown and thought how proud she was of this.
My table had a new little face at it last year and we had a wedding this past summer at our house. I have a new son-in-law and there will be a new little face at our table next Christmas. These things bring me great joy as change can be very good. I am enjoying the new name my little grandson gave me – (Grandy) and am looking forward to sharing new traditions with these precious little people.
Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year filled with lots of life, love, happiness, -and a few traditions.

Part 1
Wedding Ceremony
I usually don’t have a problem with writing.
But tonight, for the life of me, I can’t come up with anything that comes close to what I would like to say – what I would like to express.
I am going to let my pictures tell the story-
The story of a wedding.
My daughter’s wedding.
The day my daughter married the man of her dreams.
The day our family doubled in size as we not only acquired a new son, but the most incredible little grandson and an wonderful family of new people to love and care about.
It was the a day that I will remember for the rest of my life.
Not because it was perfect- but because it was full.
Full of love, full of beauty and full of moments that I will treasure deep within me,
Because I know how precious and rare and good these things are.
These pictures tell this story,
Much better than I could even hope to tell with words.
Note: Groomsmen photos along with many from he ceremony, reception and dance were taken by the talented Jacob Connell. All were edited by me.)

Thank you so much! Yes, they loved those dresses! – (full circle moment 🙂 Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Thank you! Yes, it was such a special day 🙂
Beautiful words and gorgeous pictures of a very special day.
Lovely pictures of you all! When I saw the girls in their long dresses I couldn’t help but think, it didn’t seem all that long ago they were playing in my backyard (in long dresses) Happy that your family is growing !! Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year !
I love all your heartfelt photos Wendy and very sorry to hear about your grandmother. Hang tight to your memories.