When you look this good at 8 month pregnant for your third child you deserve to be called goddess.
Not Your Mamma’s Maternity Photos! Gone are the days ( thank goodness) when pregnancy wasn’t talked about and you spent the majority of 9 months draped in clothing that resembled your mother’s living room curtains. Now we live in a time when mamma’s-to-be can celebrate this incredible time in their life ( and the life of […]
“The shoe maker’s son always goes barefoot” and “the mechanic’s car is always broken”. I can add another- “The photographer’s sister waits the longest for her photographs”. I took these images of my beautiful sister in July (yes, 4 months ago- hangs head in shame) when she and my little nephew were visiting from their home […]
Thanks so much:) (Sorry just seeing this now.)
These are so beautiful!