And in a just one moment, a second, an instant, A breath was taken, And life would never be the same. -And it was good, very, very good. Presenting the littlest Mr. Morton. 3 hours new.
Our family is a circle of love and strength. With every birth and every union the circle grows. Every joy shared adds more love. -Author unknown I had a quick trip to the Island last month to celebrate my grandmother’s birthday. This gorgeous little boy’s Auntie (and very proud godmother) contacted me to see if […]
Thanks so much Kate for your kind words.
-I can be reached via my email at bwmalley@eastlink.ca.
Wow, Roberta’s boys pictures turned out beautiful! I admire your photography! I am Roberta’s cousin originally from the island but I live in Cape Breton, I would love to have you photograph my two boys ages 3 and 1. How could we get in contact:)
Thank you so much Nadine for your kind words. He is absolutely gorgeous and I was honoured to be able to photograph such a special time with your beautiful family.
What a beautiful picture of our beautiful boy Sulivan. Thank you Wendy…I will be forever greatful for your amazing talent xo
Thank you- he is so absolutely perfect.)