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Grandmother’s Cookie Party

This is what it’s all about folks.  Christmas in all it’s splendid glory.

There were no presents, no fancy outfits, no glamour and glitz.

-Not that there’s anything wrong with any of that, I love presents, fancy clothes and glitz probably more than most people; but sometimes I find that we (or I) loose sight of what it is really about.

In the midst of the mad whirl wind of Christmas preparations while trying to make everything perfect and beautiful I find it so easy to lose sight of Christmas.  Of what it is supposed to be.  What it needs to be.

My grandmother  (I have the best grandmother in the world by the way) in a pretty little farm house in Prince Edward Island, the house her parents, grandparents and great grandparents lived in.

Every year she has a cookie party.  This is a special day for the children.  A day for her grandchildren, neighbours, great grandchildren, and this year for the first time a great-great grand child.

This year there were little ones from three provinces who gathered at her home.  After a yummy bowl of her homemade soup, they all gathered around the kitchen table and used their little fingers and hands to make the best gingerbread cookies that ever were.

You would think with this many little ones that there would be out bursts and breakdowns. While my family had the most gorgeous kids, they are all more than capable of raising a fuss; but on this day, there was not a word.  It was almost as if they realized as their parents and grandparents realized, just how special this day was.

When all the cookies were baked, they all got to take what they made home with them in a little bag, along with the special memories that are sure to stay in their hearts of grandmother’s wonderful Christmas tradition.




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Garth - December 22, 2013 - 4:43 am

Great story and pic guys. Mary is one of a kind.

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